Just be support solutions came to fruition whilst contemplating how to offer more effective support without the debilitating constraints of corporations or clipboard therapy, and instead offer a more holistic approach with proven and practical methods to attain wellbeing.
Whilst sat on the steps of my son's tree house, thinking of the name for this enterprise, a bee landed on my hand and watched me.
I took this as a sign – so as the bee and I were looking at each other, I went through all kinds of bee name possibilities and could think of none suitable.
Then the bee flew off about its business and it dawned on me then - Just be!
As simple as that and the most fundemental essential mindset to enlighten and free yourself
to appreciate the enjoyments and lessons of life, with reverence of who you are.
It is an empowering ability reaching this attainment and many facets different to each individual for the journey there.
It will be our job to support you in finding ways to achieve and sustain a healthy balance within.
If you want to learn more about my services, or if you face any issues when making a booking, please contact me.